How to become a member.

Hey! Heres how to become a member of the Plushie Collectors Club!

  1. In the comments below, tell your username (on Animal Jam), and your favorite plushie.
  2. Well, lol there is only 1 instruction, but if you cannot comment, just jam a gram Fortheloveofplushies (my other account), to enter. Make sure you still tell your favorite plushie! 

1 comment:

  1. 1. Username: pink200330
    2. Favorite plushie: -melts to ground- I CAN'T CHOOSE :C

    Wait.. If I make an account for each plushie, then... heheheh...
    No just kidding. XD
    My other accounts:

    If I HAD to choose my favorite plushie, I guess a pink koala since it was my first plushie ever. :3
